Sunday, August 21, 2011

Apparently atheist believe in "intelligent falling" according to Ray Comfort.

In Ray Comforts latest blog, "What atheists believe..." he says that "Atheists believe that gravity thinks intelligently, makes plans, and then creates the concept it has in mind." It doesn't take long to realize that Ray Comfort isn't the smartest sandwich in the basket.  That particular revelation made me more honest and introspective when it came to my christianity but still eventually lead to my atheism. So keep up the good work Ray, you are making more atheist than I can.

Now what this argument is a futile attempt to counter the response to design like arguments.  Normally a theist would say "Tide goes in, Tide goes out. Never a miss-communication.",  as an argument for the existence of a god. (Hey! Maybe Bill O'Reily and Ray Comfort should go out for some drinks?) At that point the atheist would merely point out that is the result of physical processes.

Ray here is obviously trying to say "Well, those processes are designed by god." That fine but that isn't what the Biblical god says about rain.  The Bible says that god is the one that controls the rain via opening the "windows of heaven" in Gen. 7:11. Further, it never really matters how far back anyone could trace physical processes, at least not to Ray and his ilk, they will always claim that was the plain of god all along and that he is clever for making the laws in the way he did. Meanwhile in other parts of the world that same natural process is either causing drought or floods  that are killing people. Yet god did not mean for that to happen but he does mean to water the crops when that happens.... rrrrriiiiigggghhhttttt....